“16 For 16” Digital EP Interview: Tony O’Malley

Tony O’Malley is a singer and piano player in the soul tradition who formed the legendary groove band Kokomo. Although he has worked with pop creators 10CC, Motown’s Martha Reeves & the Vandellas and played on a numerous albums including Bob Dylan’s ‘Desire’, these days Tony prefers to concentrate on recording and performing his own music at http:tonyomalley.bandcamp.com

1. How did you come to know about The Pixel Project? Tell us why you decided to take part in The Pixel Project’s “16 For 16” Digital EP.

I’d sent ‘Nicoletta’ to mutual friend Deeyah*, who forwarded the song to The Pixel Project. Once accepted, we were more than happy to participate with Regina Yau and her team.

Editor’s note: Deeyah is a prominent musician, women’s rights activist and founder of AVA Projects working to end the scourge of Honour Killing.

2. What inspired you and Marty Townsend to write “Nicoletta”?

We wrote the song after hearing that a good friend had been brutally beaten and abused by her baby’s father.

3. Violence Against Women is usually pigeonholed as a women’s issue and it can be an uphill task getting men and boys involved in stopping the violence. Why is ending Violence against Women important to you as a man?

It’s important to me as a person. Continue reading